Unleash Your Soccer Star

Welcoming. Engaging. Inclusive

Our players are ready for Spring 2025 Season

U7 up to U19 boys and girls. 

  • Registration for Spring 2025 season is closed.
  • Please email gilbertscregistrar@gmail.com to inquire about availabilities on one of the Club’s (recreational) teams.
Registration Fee
  • Early Bird Registration dates: November 25-30th  
    • U5-U10 $75
    • U10-U19 $100
  • Regular Registration dates: December 1-31 
    • U5-U10 $100
    • U10-U19 $125
  • Late Registration dates: January 1, 2025 and after – not guaranteed a spot on a team, based on if there is space on a team roster. 
    • U5-U10 $135
    • U10-U19 $155
  • Our club is dedicated to making our programs accessible to everyone in our community. If financial assistance would help your child participate in soccer, please reach out to us through the contact form on About page of our website. 
*NEW* Player Evaluations
  • Player evaluations will be held in late January/early February 2025. Dates will be published on our website and emailed as soon as determined by the club. 
  • Attendance is mandatory for tournament team placement. If your child is registered for a tournament team but does not attend evaluations, they will be placed on a recreational team.
  • Evaluations will be conducted by Soccer Board members and subject matter experts.

Recreational Team

Tournament Team

0 +
0 +
Fundamentals U5-U6
0 +
Boys U7-U10
0 +
Girls U7-U10
0 +
Boys U11 and up
0 +
Girls U11 and up
0 +

Club Information

Seasons & Leagues

The Gilbert Soccer Club participates in leagues that have two seasons per soccer year: Fall of one year and then Spring of the next. The fall season is played the end of August through the end of October. The spring season is played in mid April through the first part of June. See registration for more information.

The Gilbert Soccer Club belongs to two leagues. The Central Iowa Soccer League (CISL) is for ages U10 and below. The Iowa Soccer League (ISL) is for ages U11 and above.

League Rules

Click here to visit the Central Iowa Soccer League’s (CISL) website to view rules for U6 thru U10. Click here to visit the Iowa Soccer League website to view rules for the U11 and above.


Registration for each season will open about two months before the season will start. For more information about registration, please click here.


The Gilbert Soccer Club doesn’t set practice schedules for our coaches. Some coaches will practice right after school and some will wait until 5:30 or later.

Iowa Youth Soccer Practice Duration and Frequency:

  • U5/U6 45 minutes once a week
  • U7/U8 45-60 minutes once a week
  • U9/U10 60 minutes once or twice a week
  • U11/U12 75 minutes twice a week
  • U13/U14 and Up 90 minutes twice a week
Field Locations

Equipment and Uniforms

The club provides jerseys only for U6 and U8, uniforms (socks, shorts, and jersey) for U10 and up. U12 and up will also receive an away jersey.

Each player will need to provide soccer shoes and shin guards. Baseball and football cleats aren’t allowed as they have a center cleat in the front of the shoe and that is dangerous when kicking.

Each player will need to bring their own soccer ball to games/practices. Here are the sizes for each age group:

  • U5 thru U8 — size 3
  • U9 thru U12 — size 4
  • U13 and up — size 5

U5/U6 thru U9/U10 and U13/U14 will play on Saturdays. Typically U5/U6 thru U9/U10 games will be between 9:00am and 12:00pm. U13/U14 will play in the afternoon starting at 1:00pm.

U11/U12, U15/U16 and up will play Sunday afternoons starting at 1:00pm. 

Game Cancellations Guidelines

Game cancellations due to weather are typically done league wide.

Central Iowa Soccer League (CISL) U10 and Below:

League cancellations are announcecd on CISL’s Facebook page.  Please double check the page before heading out to your game.

Iowa Soccer League (ISL) Level 3 Central U11 and Above:

If the cancellations happen before 9:00am, ISL will update ISL website. Cancellations after 9:00am will be made through each coach. League information can be found here.

Coaching information for other clubs can be found here (U10 and Below) and here (U11 and Above).


Referees/coaches should adhere to the following:

If lightning is within five miles, with or without hearing thunder, the game/practice should be suspended and every should seek shelter. A simple rule: if you can see it or hear it, clear it.

Games/practice should not be restarted for at least 30 minutes after the last lightning strike is seen or thunder is heard.

Being a Spectator

Iowa Soccer has done a great job creating a website page dedicated to parents. It’s loaded with information on the rules of soccer, being a first time soccer parent (Parent Pocket Guide to the Rules), and Iowa Soccer and US Youth Soccer’s philosophies on small-sided soccer. Click here for more information.

Proper Soccer Technique

Just like everything else in learning, proper technique and creating good habits is the key to becoming a better soccer player. Click here to see proper technique for dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and throw-ins.

Birth Year/Age Group Matrix

Click Here

Club Partners

2024 All Rights Reserved | Gilbert Soccer Club